Tracey Hecht

Tracey Hecht Proves That Taking on a Mission You Love is Worth Striving For

"The key thing that keeps us going is that we believe we’re not only creating something that people want but something that the world...
Krista Canfield McNish

How Krista Canfield McNish Found Love Atop Mount Kilimanjaro

Hiking and taking big trips can make or break a relationship. You get a crash course in the other person and discovering the real...
Rana Mancini Cavanaugh

Rana Mancini Cavanaugh: Making Her Marriage Tide Over Challenges and Achieving Professional Success

“When we first started out, there was nothing but challenges. But we overcame all the challenges by trying to grow together. That’s the key:...
Sandy Stein

Sandy Stein: The Flight Attendant Who Soared Higher Than Any Flight

"Believe in yourself and go for it when others tell you 'you can’t' just because they can’t." — Sandy Stein, Founder, Finders Key Purse, Sandy Stein...

The Company That Deserves a Medal on Earth Day

“We all share the responsibility of protecting our waterways and oceans.” - Brian Linton and Mike Cangi, Co-founders of United By Blue We might pride ourselves as...
Scott Amyx on Sustainable Economic Development

Scott Amyx to Keynote at NED 2018 Lima, Peru on Smart, Sustainable Cities

NED 2018: VII Congreso de Negocios en la Era Digital EL PROCESO DE DIGITALIZACIÓN ES UNA GUERRA AVISADA, PERO... ¿CÓMO ME TRANSFORMO? Scott Amyx: How Peru Can...
Elon Musk

Story of Strive: With Tesla Model 3 Out, Elon Musk Must Move on

Last weekend, Elon Musk unveiled the Model 3, fulfilling Tesla’s promise of giving the public an affordable electric car. The electric car is part...

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Jeff Wetzler

Interview with Jeff Wetzler, Co-CEO of Transcend Today I am joined by Jeff Wetzler, Co-CEO of Transcend, a nationally recognized...
Tim Weiss

Interview with Tim Weiss, CEO of Optera Today I am joined by Tim Weiss, CEO of Optera, has spearheaded thought-leading...
Marit Rødevand

Interview with Marit Rødevand, CEO of Strise Today I am joined by Marit Rødevand, Co-founder and CEO of Strise, an...
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