Rana Mancini Cavanaugh: Making Her Marriage Tide Over Challenges and Achieving Professional Success

Rana Mancini Cavanaugh
Rana Mancini Cavanaugh

“When we first started out, there was nothing but challenges. But we overcame all the challenges by trying to grow together. That’s the key: to make sure you’re going in the same direction.”

– Rana Mancini Cavanaugh, Founder of ChicTravelingMama

Rana Mancini Cavanaugh wears many hats, and she does it with utmost ease. She is not only a consummate writer and a filmmaker but is also a committed traveler. Now, she is leveraging her life experiences for motivating others.

Overcoming Challenges in Her Marriage

Rana proves that the excellence in one area of your life does not have to come at the cost of the other. She married her childhood sweetheart after promising to marry each other when they met at age nine. Their robust partnership has inspired both of them to achieve their best in their professional spheres as well.

Initially, it was not easy for the couple; there were plenty of challenges. She shares, “We were in a long-distance relationship. I was away at college, not financially secure and could only fly home occasionally.” Early on, their marriage saw some hardships due to finances. About her biggest challenge in the relationship, Rana says, “I think for me the most challenging thing was becoming vulnerable.” She elaborates, “I’m an independent person who traveled alone overseas and really liked my freedom. Having someone else to consider took me so out of my element!” She, however, credits her husband holding her accountable in a patient and understanding way.

Later their family grew to include children. However, motherhood did not stop Rana, instead, it motivated her to keep moving ahead. The sweet love story between Rana and her husband Ryan spans decades. He also pushes Rana to keep going with her ventures like writing her book and building her blog. “He is constantly challenging me to get out of my comfort zone and go for it,” says Rana. This long-term relationship met several challenges but Rana and Ryan have strived hard to keep their commitment to each other, and they have managed to sail through all the obstacles.

Their journey has been chronicled by Rana in her book The Unfinished Business of You and Me.

Passion Meets Talent

Rana has a flourishing career in filmmaking. Her profession also allows her to use her creativity to the maximum. She has won several accolades including reaching the Semifinals of the New York Television Festival in 2012. For this show, she had combined her professional expertise with her passion for travel. Rana focuses on advising people about family-friendly and kid-friendly travel practices.

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