Rightsizing Your Brand Investment

Rightsizing Your Brand Investment

A few years ago, my wife and I were gung-ho about going camping. We ended up spending almost $1,000 on camping gear and supplies.

Then we came home. We looked at each other and immediately pointed our fingers at each other. My wife said, “You hate camping! You’re ideal of camping is a 5-star hotel.” I then said, “Oh yeah! You hate bugs and you’re afraid of nature!” The very next day, we returned all the camping gear.

Sometimes when we start something, we get so excited that we spend without thinking. As you think about your brand strategy, it’s easy to get carried away by buying the most expensive video cameras, lights, microphones, computer and software for your podcast or video series but stop. No really, just stop. The real commitment isn’t about spending money. It’s about whether you’re going to stick with it.

People ask me if I’m concerned about all the content creators on LinkedIn and Instagram. I say no. Why? Because only 1 percent of the Internet users create content, while the other 99 percent only lurk. So those that are currently pushing out content will very likely stop after a few videos, few weeks or few months. It’s a statistical truth.

I have been publishing my Climate Change with Scott Amyx on Amazon Alexa for the past 6 months. The first week I recorded right on my laptop using the built-in mic. By week 2, I bought a cheap mic. By week 4, I bought my current Yeti. I knew that at some point, I wanted to convert my podcast into a video form. Well, I didn’t invest in lights until month 6. As I head into month 7 and recently launching Candid with Scott Amyx and then in August, Innovating with Scott Amyx, I purchased Final Cut Pro for advanced video editing.

Once I complete a year and I have ironed out the process, will I then consider offloading the work to my team to scale.

The point is this. It’s not about the money. It’s about your level of commitment. Don’t invest until you prove to yourself that you’re going to stick with it.

Don’t forget to subscribe to Candid with Scott Amyx on YouTube and give it a thumbs up.

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