Complete Open Book to My Brand Strategy

Complete Open Book to My Brand Strategy

For some of you wondering, why is Scott creating all these daily videos, the answer is that it’s part of a larger integrated brand strategy. Let me give you a candid, honest look at my brand strategy that I am executing in 2019.

Priority 1 represents the core of my brand strategy. It’s about fresh, differentiated, cutting-edge content that sets me apart from everyone else. At the heart of that is my Forbes column. I carefully research the latest scholarly, academic work to bring innovation to the discipline of product innovation.

Though the final written form on Forbes is highly simplified for mass consumption, I can assure you that there is significant technical depth on the science of product innovation.

This is complemented by Washington Post/ WP BrandStudio and daily video content that leverages my thought leadership from Forbes.

Priority 2 is about leveraging another highly recognized platform TED/ TEDx to further promulgate my thought leadership. The market positioning around my brand is then continually refined and updated on my Google Ads, 5-min sizzle reel and website. This requires annual re-investment.

Priority 3 leverages recognized TV news platforms along with my podcast Innovating with Scott Amyx that further cements my niche on research-based product innovation methodologies and best practices.

Priority 4 is what you’re starting to see now. This is all about engaging and growing my influence and reach. It further amplifies the above traditional platforms but makes it personal. This was probably my biggest gaping hole in the past five years but I am learning to confront my discomfort and putting myself out there.

In case you’re wondering why I placed Tic Tok above Instagram, it’s because I’ve already missed the Instagram wave and I’m playing catch up. Where as on Tic Tok, I can carve out a space to create content that appeals specifically for working professionals where I bring humor about the “Office” and then distribute it on LinkedIn. So Tic Tok is the creation platform but the intended distribution is on LinkedIn.

In case you’re wondering why new book deals is priority 7, it’s not that it’s not important but unless I execute on all the above, my book success will only be as good as my reach and my influence.

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