TikTok Adventure

Tic Tok Adventure

So why am I talking about TikTok to the business community? It’s for tweens and teens right? You could say the same thing about Facebook, Snapchat and Instagram in their early years. Microeconomic theory tells us that as our income rises, we consume more leisure or utility. There is, of course, a threshold but this explains why our modern, wealthy society is consuming more entertainment. Snapchat filters, entertainment. Instagram stories, entertainment. YouTube videos, entertainment. So before you discount TikTok or any new up and coming platforms, know that they are destination spots that will attract the greatest amount of attention. That includes your customers and future prospects. And for corporate brands and influencers, that’s important.

So what is the TikTok formula? At the heart of it are TikTok challenges. The tweens and teens essentially replicate the same set of dance moves to the same set of trending songs. How are they judged? Mostly based on looks and humor. Skill, creativity and originality? Not so much. Younger Millennials can sort of get by following this formula but for older Millennials, Gen X and Baby Boomers it can be downright cringey. My kids have warned me not to dance or sing. So as much as you might be tempted to twerk and show off your 80’s moves, there might be another way.

One of the core aspects of storytelling is relatability. For teenagers, the TikTok challenge is a way for them to relate with one another. But for you the working professional, you’re not trying to relate to teenagers. The first step is who is your target audience and how can you relate to them.

For me, my ideal target audience are working professionals who make decisions about corporate events, keynote speakers and product innovation. They all have one thing in common — the “Office.” So I intend to create silly, humorous TikTok videos that relate to their office environment.

How are you thinking outside-of-the-box?

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