Scott Amyx’s Strive Book Recommended by Velocity Magazine

Scott Amyx's Strive Book Recommended in Velocity Magazine 1

Summer 2018 Issue of Velocity

Welcome to the Summer issue of Velocity, CityJet’s inflight magazine. This month we meet actor Liam Neeson who talks about his Northern Irish work ethic, his love of travel and his work with UNICEF. We find out why your Brexit strategy needs an export strategy, how a couple of Irish schoolgirl sisters are making it big in horse nutrition and meet three entrepreneurs who are building brands based on digital tech. We discover one of London’s hidden rivers, head to Florence to follow in the footsteps of the Mona Lisa and enjoy the restaurants of Dublin.

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Cover story

BUSINESS BOOKS TO INSPIRE AND INFORM From learning how company culture is the secret of success, to designing a career that suits you.

Strive: How Doing the Things Most Uncomfortable Leads to Success By Scott Amyx Published by Wiley £21.99 Does success elude you? You’re not alone, says Scott Amyx. Strive draws on Amyx’s own story of an impoverished immigrant who was frequently told that he would amount to nothing. Now a celebrated venture capitalist and futurist, he describes his meteoric rise from obscurity to prominence.

How are you striving? Order Strive today to start your journey to a life of fulfillment and joy, one that holds the possibility of discovering your fullest potential.