Dr. Gayle Carson Overcomes Obstacles to Help People Achieve Their Potential

Gayle Carson
Gayle Carson

“My advice to other entrepreneurs? Think it through, investigate, look at the pros and cons and then go for it but don’t expect the magic to happen without a tremendous amount of work. Nothing is easy.”

– Dr. Gayle Carson, Founder of Spunkyoldbroad.com

Dr. Gayle Carson’s journey to become an acclaimed life coach is full of adventures and challenges. Born in Albany, New York, Gayle started her first business venture at the age of 22. She built the business from scratch and now commands a global following. Gayle went on to build three more businesses while dealing with several challenges including illnesses and personal misfortunes.

Gumption and Perseverance

Gayle now proudly calls herself a Spunky Old Broad or SOB as she attributes success to her relentless ability to connect with people. She channeled her positive outlook to help other people in meeting their goals. As President of the Carson Research Center, she offered her consultancy services to 50 industries spread over six continents. She topped it off with over two dozen books and several CD and DVD programs.

However, the success did not come easy. It took a whole lot of gumption to take her business from nothing to seven offices around the world. “In each venture, I started from Ground Zero and the major challenge was to make it work. I had no financing except me, I had to work at each task myself to make it a go, and of course, I had no benefits,” she shares. While her expertise helped people in reaching their best, Gayle battled several roadblocks in her personal life. A breast cancer survivor three times over, Gayle also bore the trauma of her husband’s and her oldest son’s deaths. However, these challenges only strengthened her resolve as she focused on serving the needs of people especially women over the age of 50.

Future Oriented

After 57 years in the business, Gayle shows no signs of resting on her laurels, which include being the ‘2007 Legend of the Speaking Profession.’ She is forging ahead with her SOB philosophy to help people and businesses across the world. Gayle wants to help the Baby Boomer generation, especially women, realize their potential. Baby Boomers make up 35% of the American population and are among the most influential demography in the country. In her own words, “I have two focuses…one, working with women 50+, and the other as a radio talk show host with a half million listeners.”

Gayle currently hosts a dozen radio shows per month and runs sob clubs.

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