Nao Robot

Imperfect Robots Make Better Coworkers for Humans

Programming robots to make simple mistakes could convince more humans to include them at the workplace. A study in Austria showed that robots' interaction...
Scott Amyx on Sustainable Economic Development

Scott Amyx to Keynote at NED 2018 Lima, Peru on Smart, Sustainable Cities

NED 2018: VII Congreso de Negocios en la Era Digital EL PROCESO DE DIGITALIZACIÓN ES UNA GUERRA AVISADA, PERO... ¿CÓMO ME TRANSFORMO? Scott Amyx: How Peru Can...
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Scott Amyx Covered in Grain Central

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Astor Perkins AgTech Panel

Astor Perkins AgTech Panel Oct 27th 2021 Astor Perkins’ All Things Deep Tech & Survival, October 27, 2021.
Scott Amyx Interviewed on the Food Robotics Industry

Scott Amyx Interviewed on the Food Robotics Industry

Scott Amyx interviewed by Food Drink & Franchise Magazine on the food robotics industry: After a recent study estimated that the food...
Strive How Doing the Things Most Uncomfortable Leads to Success by Scott Amyx

Strive Officially Launched! How Anyone Can Achieve Success

Why Everything You Thought You Knew About Success is Wrong and Where the Key to Success Really Lies In this controversial new book by internationally-acclaimed...
Scott Amyx to Keynote at NED 2018 VII Business Congress in the Digital Era

NED 2018: VII Congreso de Negocios en la Era Digital with Scott Amyx

Scott Amyx to Keynote at NED 2018   ¿Cuál será el impacto de la transformación digital en el sector comercial? La transformación digital y la...
Scott Amyx interviewed on Homestyle Magazine on the home of the future

Homestyle Magazine: Predicting the Home of the Future

Scott Amyx interviewed on Homestyle Magazine on the home of the future: What do you think the home of the future will look like? Over the last...

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