Dr. Aditi Jha Achieves Her Fitness Goal by Shifting the Gym to Office

Dr. Aditi Jha
Dr. Aditi Jha

“It boosts my confidence when others marvel at the effect it had on me and I’m happy to inspire others.”

— Dr Aditi Jha, MD and Head Physician, JustDoc.com

About Dr. Aditi Jha

Aditi is an MD and is currently the Head Physician at JustDoc.com. She is also the Editor at JustDoc blog. Currently based in India, Aditi completed her graduation from Bahrain and studied medicine in the Philippines. For the past seven years, Aditi has been practicing at various multi-speciality international hospitals.

Weighing Down Her Spirit

After her child’s birth, Aditi gained a lot of weight. The weight gain was accompanied by lethargy, guilt, and plenty of desperation. She wanted to get back to her healthy self, but there were factors (read excuses) at play that seemed insurmountable. The biggest excuse was there is no time to exercise. Aditi was so immersed in her practice that she wasn’t able to make time for exercise. In addition, joining a gym too seemed quite difficult.

She was, however, determined to get back in shape. Aditi knew she had to do something uncomfortable and constantly strive to get out of her comfort zone.

How Aditi Jha Did It?

One day, Aditi saw a video about intense yoga which can be performed simply sitting in a chair. That sparked her imagination. Serendipity struck! She thought if she can’t go to the gym, why not bring the gym to her. Her office became her gym, minus any gym equipment. Before long, Aditi was performing these intense 2-minute yoga postures, intermittently through the day. Suddenly, she was getting all the exercise without leaving her office. She felt energized and motivated. In Aditi’s words, “If you can find just 2 minutes or 120 seconds at work during a quick break, it is easy to perform simple great workouts and also feel energized at the same time!”

The on-desk yoga stretches did wonders for Aditi. She strived hard and has stuck religiously to her 2-minute yoga postures. She loves the adrenaline rush she gets doing these yoga stretches. Further, exercising has helped her much more than just losing weight. Aditi says, “This ritual helped me focus on tasks better during the day, knowing that I had done something for my health.” She chuckles that she doesn’t get any time now for her favorite past activity–sulking over finding no time for the gym.

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