Scott Amyx Speaking at Smart IoT London on Decentralized Computing on the Edge


Scott Amyx Speaking at Smart IoT London on Decentralized Computing on the Edge

Scott Amyx Speaking at Smart IoT London on Decentralized Computing on the Edge

Perhaps someone of you can relate to what I’m about to share. I find that I’m somewhat of a skeptic. I am not easily convinced. Perhaps it was my days at the University of Chicago that has taught me to question the norm and focus on the why rather than the what or how.

It was only five years ago that many CIOs were skeptical about shifting to cloud-based services. They had doubts about security at the physical, network and application layers. They had doubts about compliance with national data-protection regulations. And what about intellectual property and migration?

Fast forward just a few years, here we are at one of the largest Cloud Expos in Europe. Cloud spending has surpassed $30 billion across the public and private sectors. According to IDG, IT executives credit cloud-based services for increased efficiency, flexibility and responsiveness.

In 1999, a small startup called launched their web-based CRM.

Could we be at another inflection point?

This may sound somewhat audacious to say at a Cloud Expo but what if I told you that the future will be less about cloud and more about computing on the edge?

Just when you’re getting comfortable with the cloud. Here we go again with another change.

Why is computing on the edge coming sooner than later? And why is that a big deal?