Tips on Ways to Save Money that Also Helps Save the Planet

Save money

This is Scott Amyx with today’s Climate Change Flash Briefing.

Consumerism driven by compulsive consumption habits is the biggest force behind global extractions that are environmentally damaging and depleting resources at an alarming rate. As the novelty of Christmas gifts wear out, what happens to those things? It collects dust or it’s thrown away. The current economy of extract, make, dispose model of production is accelerating climate change.

So how can you spend less money that also helps save the planet?

✦ Adopt a circular economy approach in which waste, emission, and energy use is minimized by reusing, repurposing, recycling, and upcycling. That also means buying used before buying something new

✦ Embrace the shared economy by using, sharing or borrowing everything from a car, bicycle, spare bedroom, equipment to small items

✦ Reduce emissions and save money by driving less. Take public transportation, walk or bike whenever possible. Also consider driving a less polluting vehicle. Choose a hybrid and electric car over a gas guzzling SUV to save money and to help the environment

✦ Purchase less food to reduce food waste. 40 percent of food in the U.S. is never eaten but simply wasted.

Stay tuned next time to find out how spending more time with family and friends helps fight climate change.

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