Scott Amyx Interviewed on the Food Robotics Industry

Scott Amyx Interviewed on the Food Robotics Industry

Scott Amyx interviewed by Food Drink & Franchise Magazine on the food robotics industry:

Scott Amyx Interviewed on the Food Robotics Industry

After a recent study estimated that the food robotics industry is set to reach $3.35bn by 2025, FDF World spoke to experts to find out what all the noise is about.

Flippy the burger robot was fired from his job earlier this year soon after making a less-than-successful debut at a CaliBurger restaurant in Pasadena, California. But Miso Robotics announced that plans to install autonomous burger makers like Flippy at more than 50 locations before the end of next year will still be going ahead. As well as a publicity stunt by CaliBurger, the move to use Flippy, albeit for a short period of time, is yet another indicator of the pervasion of robotics and AI within the food industry. released a report at the beginning of 2018 which estimates that the global food robotics market is anticipated to reach $3.35bn by 2025. Authors of the report claim that “the growing demand for packaged food, need for automation, increasing food safety regulations, and high labour costs are expected to drive the food robotics market”, and most industry experts agree that we are at the beginning of a huge upward curve in this regard. There is huge scope and potential for robotics technologies to positively impact the food industry at any level, be it in procurement, production, quality monitoring or distribution. Additionally, a variety of economic and socio-demographic factors will also serve to drive an increase in practical applications of the available technology.

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