Scott Amyx Interviewed on the Daily Helping Podcast on Success

Scott Amyx Interviewed on the Daily Helping Podcast on Success

Ep. 54: STRIVE: An Honest & Holistic Methodology for Success | with Scott Amyx

Today our expert guest is Scott Amyx, a TEDx speaker, thought leader, and author on the Internet of Things and the Fourth Industrial Revolution. In his book Strive, Scott shows that the secret to outstanding and lasting achievement is not passion or talent, but getting comfortable with discomfort by embracing and enjoying new challenges – what he appropriately calls “strive.”

Scott knows that how smart you are, what kind of background you have, how old you are, or where you are in life does not predict or indicate your chances of success because he was born with absolutely no advantages in life, “and everything that I have accomplished is because of the principles of Strive.”

Scott was born just South of the DMZ border between North and South Korea, both physically and emotionally close to the Korean War. Scott immigrated to the United States, ultimately becoming a ward of the state. He had no network, no support, nothing.

“I learned early on that if you want to succeed in life, no one is going to give you anything – you have to do the things that are uncomfortable to stretch yourself and to reach for it.”

So he wrote the book to share his story, inspire others, and demonstrate that there are a lot of myths and misconceptions surrounding the idea of success.

For example, we are told that if you do what you love, success will follow. However, passion does not always equate to success. We’re also told that putting in more hours will result in more success, but the reality is that most people who spend years and years playing a sport or an instrument will not be able to make that a career.

How are you striving? Order Strive today to start your journey to a life of fulfillment and joy, one that holds the possibility of discovering your fullest potential.