April Seifert Lives Life to the Fullest with Multiple Sclerosis

April Seifert
April Seifert

“Absolutely nothing is scarier than regret and missing out on a life experience you could have had, simply because you’re a little afraid.”

April Seifert, Multiple Sclerosis Survivor and Advocate for Women’s Empowerment

What if life gave you choices? Oneyou never try anything new and live a safe life; the alternativego out and explore life, ready to risk falling flat on your face. What would you do? April Seifert chose the latter, ready to take the plunge and not end up regretting a life not lived to the fullest despite having multiple sclerosis.

A sultiple sclerosis survivor and advocate for women’s empowerment, April might not have fate on her side, but she is definitely not a victim of her circumstances.

Facing the Adversities

As an 11-year old, April endured the trauma of her father’s death after a 5 year battle with colon cancer. It shook her to the core. There were, however, worse things in store for April. A few year later, she started experiencing strange physical symptoms. April says, “It started with fatigue, weakness, and numbness in limbs, which progressed to paralysis. And then, I went blind.” She adds, “A year-and-a-half of grueling medical tests revealed that I had Multiple Sclerosis.” Doctors started her on medications, and she has been able to live normally despite severe health issues.

At a very young age, April learned two important life lessonswe are all going to die, and our health is not guaranteed.

Her Metamorphosis

Years passed, and while living with her health issues, one fine day, April had a thought. It was, “What would I, as a sick, paralyzed person have given for the days I’m wasting right now?,” she thought.

The sudden realization and two life lessons that she learned at a young age, pushed her to change her perspective and transform her life. April decided to live her life to full.

April went on to pursue a doctorate in Social Psychology and later in Data Science. Her studies focused on women and their behavior in different situations. She gradually began taking steps towards overcoming her own limitations and fears. She’s now a successful entrepreneur, licensed skydiver, certified SCUBA diver, and mother.

Empowering Others to Live a Fulfilling Life

“I know you have a dream. It’s that spark of an idea that lives in the back of your mind. From time to time, it comes forward to tap you on the shoulder and remind you that it’s there,” says April. She has designed a module based on psychology that helps women redesign their lives. Her brand of women’s advocacy helps women in difficult situations to embrace life. According to April, “Your life is precious. You’re only getting one. Take advantage of it.”

April Seifert is the wind beneath the wings for many women all over the world who refuse to bow down to circumstances.  Check out April’s Women Inspired Podcast for interviews, stories, and lessons from the world’s most inspiring women.

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