Laurie Kahn Kicked a High-Paying Job, Braved Challenges, and Established Her Successful Venture

Laurie Kahn
Laurie Kahn

“If you believe in what you are doing, don’t give up.”

– Laurie Kahn, Founder, Media Staffing Network

Laurie Kahn wasn’t finding anything exciting in her job. A new boss, who wanted his own team, was the last straw to help her make a tough decision. She left a six-figure job as a radio advertising sales manager to begin a niche employment firm when she did not even know how to use a computer.

How Laurie Kahn Built Her Business

Laurie became a one-woman band doing everything, working all the time with no salary. She went on sales calls to position her business, networking events to meet potential candidates, spending hours creating marketing tools, and working insane hours on the phone setting appointments. Laurie says, “I had to learn so much, I spent hours reading focused magazines to learn how to run a business, to learn who the key players were in my industry and learned how to use a computer.” She further adds, “There were times I had to take the computer apart while on the phone with tech support.” Laurie was completely out of her comfort zone. To build her business, Laurie invested in attending industry conferences.

Surmounting the Challenges

Several people complimented Laurie on starting her business. She, however, also had her fair share of naysayers. The doubters told her she would never make it. But, Laurie loves challenges; she stuck to her belief and with some great mentors guiding her, she proved the doubters wrong.

Laurie proudly says, “Now I am celebrating my 25th anniversary. I have overcome so many challenges: taking in a bad partner, then buying her out; an employee who stole business and had to be sued; a major office flood; and most drastically seeing my $3 million business go to $124,000 during a recession.”

Advice on Being a Successful Entrepreneur

If one wants to be an entrepreneur, one must step out of the comfort zone. They should have passion, do their homework, and be creative with their solutions. They should seek trusted professionals for advice and be grateful to those who help.

She further shares that flexibility, openness to change, and continuous learning is the critical mix to succeed.

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