12 IoT Trends: Experts Answering How IoT Will Evolve by 2020

Scott Amyx on How IoT Will Evolve by 2020

12 IoT Trends: Experts Answering How IoT Will Evolve by 2020

Scott Amyx quotes on NewGenApps:

Decentralization using IoT & Blockchain

In the next 5+ years, I foresee that many of the consumer, enterprise, industrial, financial and government processes will become decentralized, smart, self-governing and self-healing and optimized real-time. To make this more concrete, enterprise systems have evolved from onsite ERPs, cloud ERPs to soon to be fully decentralized enterprise capabilities and with it driving down the total cost of ownership, transaction costs and maintenance.

Some startups are already building on top of IoTA’s Tangle to develop modules and components for enterprises to quickly model their business processes without the cost of cloud or SaaS. Others are creating ad platforms and marketplaces out of IoT and blockchain. Expect to see monolithic and centralized computing models broken into micro-services and jobs distributed to decentralized machines and devices. After this initial stage of industrial IoT, the Internet of Things (in convergence with AI and blockchain) will permeate into governance, financial transactions, health and other disciplines that people can’t currently fathom.

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