Moving Abroad Not Only Challenged Her Marriage, Dr. Allana Da Graca Emerged Stronger and Became an Entrepreneur

Dr. Allana Da Graca
Dr. Allana Da Graca

“How many of us have dared to lead an exciting life, land a new job, or step out and do something new? Resentment is the worst pill to swallow when we know we can do more but are too paralyzed to take a risk.”

– Dr. Allana Da Graca, Founder, Turning on the Lights Global Institute

Dr. Allana Da Graca has been married for twelve years, and moving to a new country for a brief period of time was something that tested her marriage. She and her husband gave up a steady income, comfort, and more to experience Portugal’s customs and culture. Their experience could have separated the couple, but they managed to come out together on the other side successfully.

Moving to a New Country and its Challenges

Allana’s husband’s family lives in Portugal. The couple decided to move to Portugal to spend time with his dad and to enjoy the beauty of life in Europe. Living in another country and learning about the norms, food, and culture abroad was one of her goals.

Relocating to a new country takes a lot of courage. “You must be ready to give up usual conveniences for the sake of learning how to live in an unknown country,” she says. The rewards, however, are fantastic. Allana found Portugal gorgeous, meaningful and sensitive. According to her, “The language and intercultural exchange between people was a great experience.”

It wasn’t always a smooth ride, though; there were times when she missed everything back home. She says, “While living abroad, I was not able to fully take part in activities that I would normally as a US citizen.” She further adds, “I realized in this 10-month experience how much I took for granted. I also understood that I needed to take risks to become a stronger version of myself.”

Allana’s Life Changed Forever

Her life changed remarkably and she began a new professional development start-up called Turning On The Lights Global Institute. The start-up assists people to achieve their professional as well as personal goals with self-help books, live workshops, and digital coaching.  While growing professionally, she and her husband also developed a strong bond between them. The couple dared to give up the comfort and regularity of a settled life to experience a new culture and take care of family.

Allana’s Advice on On Achieving Success

Allana suggests people write a personal letter discussing the goals they have always wanted to achieve. They should elaborate what it would be like if they were able to achieve that goal. Individuals should create some tangible goals that can help them do this. She says, “When hubby and I were daring to take this risk, we had a brainstorming session. We highlighted the pros and cons of going abroad. Further, we jotted down all the reasons this move would be beneficial and the possible challenges. Finally, we just crossed our fingers and prayed that the pros would be greater than the odds.”

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