CEO Blog Nation: 11 Entrepreneurs Explain The Best Businesses To Start This Year

Scott Amyx_Human Race_AI_Robots_Human Empathy

11 Entrepreneurs Explain The Best Businesses To Start This Year

Scott Amyx quoted on CEO Blog Nation:

“There is a rising concern among mainstream about the role of humans as AI and robotics become smarter. Putting aside many of the fallacies and assumptions about this concern, what are the types of jobs in 2018 and beyond that we should consider? In my second upcoming book The Human Race: How Humans Can Survive in the Robotic Age, I discuss that for those who are not PhD specialists in advanced technologies will need to focus on empathy-based jobs that machines cannot easily replicate. In more layperson terms, the jobs that we need to start thinking about are jobs that directly meet the empathy needs of other humans, such as coaching, counseling, friend-as-a-service, etc. With the retail disruption underway, traditional retail franchises are doomed. Same goes for any retail businesses. Past 2018, expect accounting, paralegal, online marketing and even auto repair to become more automated and replaced by robotic process automation (RPA), AI, bots and advanced robotics tailored for the home, work, public spaces and industries. When thinking about starting a new business in 2018, it’s important to consider sustainability beyond the next 5+ years.”

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