Scott Amyx Speaking at Razorfish Tech Summit 2015, NYC


Scott Amyx Amyx McKinsey Wearables and IoT Razorfish Group Shot

Scott Amyx Amyx McKinsey Wearables and IoT Razorfish


The 10x Potential of Wearables and IoT to Transform Digital Marketing

We as marketers are working with soft metrics for brand affinity, favorability, brand recall and engagement. How can we achieve brand metrics without hardening our numbers?

Real-time, hard metrics on brand engagement have been elusive until now. New advancements in wearables and IoT provide an opportunity to quantify hard metrics on brand engagement, resulting in campaign optimization. This session will cover engaging customers in entirely new ways to heighten the connection with brand emotional identity and to increase brand loyalty; quantifying consumer emotional and cognitive reaction to brand engagement; accurately targeting products and services in the right context, time, place, frame of mind and state of emotion; and equipping brands with new big-data analytics to increase customer acquisition, optimize customer lifetime value and drive top-line growth.

To learn about the 10x potential of wearables and IoT to transform digital marketing and retail, watch the Razorfish Global Tech Summit 2015 Live Stream. Fast forward to 6:12:00.