Al Borde de La Decepción, Google Reflota Sus Gafas Inteligentes
Scott Amyx interviewed by El País, the highest-circulation daily newspaper in Spain and Madrid, regarding Google's announcement to cancel the Google Glass Explorer program.
Learning to Wear Your Intelligence: How to Apply Artificial Intelligence in Wearables and IoT
Wearables and the Internet of Things (IoT) may give the impression that it’s all about the sensors, hardware, communication middleware, network and data but the real value (and company valuation) is in insights. In...
Scott Amyx Speaks at SMARTWEEK Toronto
Scott Amyx speaking at SMARTWEEK Toronto 2014 on the future of Internet of Things.
Thoughtful China: Socializing Retail Stores
Scott Amyx speaks on the “Thoughtful China” show in Shanghai, China. September 2014.
Scott Amyx Speaks at Wearables + Things Conference
Scott Amyx speaks at the Wearables + Things Conference in Washington D.C. October 2014.