Scott Amyx Speaking on Smart, Sustainable Cities & Sustainable Economic Development in Lima, Peru...
How Peru Can Lead the Fourth Industrial Revolution
Peru is one of the oldest civilizations, dating back 9,000 B.C. From Mochica,...
Scott Amyx to Keynote at NED 2018 Lima, Peru on Smart, Sustainable Cities
NED 2018: VII Congreso de Negocios en la Era Digital
Scott Amyx: How Peru Can...
NED 2018: VII Congreso de Negocios en la Era Digital with Scott Amyx
Scott Amyx to Keynote at NED 2018
¿Cuál será el impacto de la transformación digital en el sector comercial?
La transformación digital y la...
Compras de Comercio Electrónico en Bolivia se Incrementaron Nueve Veces
Compras de Comercio Electrónico en Bolivia se Incrementaron Nueve Veces
La expectativa de crecimiento en ventas online a nivel América Latina crecerá en un...
El Comercio Electrónico Crece en Bolivia
Los Tiempos: El Comercio Electrónico Crece en Bolivia
El comercio electrónico crece en Bolivia. Factores como el crecimiento del uso de Internet y redes...
Scott Amyx Speaking in Prague on Smart Sustainable Cities and Sustainable Economic Development (Video)
Driving GDP Growth Through Sustainable Economic Development
In 1961, an inventor wanted to make a breakthrough in the field of sight. But what if he...
Scott Amyx Speaking in Costa Rica on Smart Cities and Renewable Energy (Video)
Driving Cost Efficiency & Green Initiative Through IoT
Case studies in smart cities, smart buildings, green initiatives, agriculture, renewable energy (solar, geothermal, hydropower, wind power),...
Scott Amyx Keynoting at Guangzhou International Innovation Festival
Scott Amyx presented ways that China can lead the Fourth Industrial Revolution including but not limited to edge analytics, AI, quantum computing, human machine...
Environmental Defense Fund: How IoT Gives Environment a Voice by Scott Amyx
How the Internet of Things Gives Our Environment a Voice
The Fourth Wave of Environmental Innovation by Scott Amyx:
Scott Amyx is the author of Strive:...
Scott Amyx Ranked Top 10 Speaker on the Trends Shaping the Technology Industry
Top 10 Speakers on the Trends Shaping the Technology Industry
What’s shaping technology? Nearly every industry on Earth has had to adapt to innovations coming...