Decoherence in Quantum Computing

Quantum Computing Series, Part 8: Decoherence

A perfect spoilsport to quantum computing is a phenomenon known as Quantum decoherence. Quantum error correction focuses on fending off decoherence and counter other...
Quantum entanglement

Quantum Computing Series, Part 5: Entanglement in Quantum Mechanics

Quantum entanglement is a physical phenomenon that occurs when pairs or groups of particles generate or interact in ways such that the quantum state...
Scientists Teleport photons

Scientists Play Scotty! Teleport Photons 300 Miles in Space

The moment you think teleportation, the first image that flashes is of Scotty beaming up the Start Trek crew. That might still be way...
Quantum Computing

Quantum Computing Series, Part 4: Superposition in Quantum Mechanics

Quantum computing studies theoretical computation systems that make direct use of quantum-mechanical phenomena, such as superposition and entanglement, to perform operations on data. Quantum...
Quantum Computing

Quantum Computing Series, Part 3: What is Quantum Mechanics?

Before we address how quantum computing might help solve some of the challenges plaguing IoT, it's important to have a basic understanding of the...
Quantum Computing

Quantum Computing Series, Part 2: From Skepticism to Acceptance

There’s an interesting fact about humans: most of us are wired to be skeptics. It really doesn’t matter what it is about… from climate...
Quantum computing

Quantum Computing Series, Part 1: IoT Challenges

In this series, I explore strategic opportunities in quantum computing and how it can give IoT a leap like never seen before. I will...

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