Compras de Comercio Electrónico en Bolivia se Incrementaron Nueve Veces

Compras de Comercio Electrónico en Bolivia se Incrementaron Nueve Veces La expectativa de crecimiento en ventas online a nivel América Latina crecerá en un...
L'IA Peut-elle Réinventer la Télévision_Scott Amyx

L’IA Peut-elle Réinventer la Télévision

L'IA Peut-elle Réinventer la Télévision Scott Amyx, associé directeur général chez Amyx Ventures, va plus loin : "L’AI finira par comprendre que les préférences...
Podcast Interview with Scott Amyx on Implications of Exponential Technologies

Podcast Interview with Scott Amyx on Implications of Exponential Technologies

Podcast interview with Scott Amyx on implications of exponential technologies to businesses and consumers Part 1: ISF Podcast: A Futurist’s View on IoT and its...
Scott Amyx Speaking at Prague on Smart Sustainable Cities

Scott Amyx Speaking in Prague on Smart Sustainable Cities and Sustainable Economic Development (Video)

Driving GDP Growth Through Sustainable Economic Development In 1961, an inventor wanted to make a breakthrough in the field of sight. But what if he...
Scott Amyx Speaking on Artificial Swarm Robotic Intelligence at LiveWorx

Scott Amyx Speaking at PTC LiveWorx on Artificial Swarm Robotic Intelligence

The Future of Collaborative, Decentralized & Intelligent Robotics In 1954 George Devol invented the first programmable robot called the Unimate, which was used on General...
Scott Amyx Interviewed on Expert

Scott Amyx Interviewed on Expert

Airports of the Future Bring Seamless Security, Reduced Wait Times, Ample Traveler Comforts, and Convenience Over the next 20 years, the number of air travelers...
Scott Amyx Interviewed by Business Insider on Airports of the Future

Scott Amyx Interviewed by Business Insider on Airports of the Future

Airports of the Future: Streamlined Security Clearance, Increased Comforts, and Possibly Just a Very Cool Place to Wine, Dine, and Shop Consumers looking for a...

Scott Amyx Interviewed on UX Design Principles That Make Your Product Better

UX designers never stop learning, because technology never stops changing. More powerful computing and graphics, more immersive VR and AR, an ever-expanding range of...
Experts at Future Port Prague Will Showcase the Future of Cryptos

Experts at Future Port Prague Will Showcase the Future of Cryptos

Experti na Pražském festivalu inovací ukáží budoucí postavení kryptoměn Každoroční přehlídka inovací a technologií Future Port Prague přinese oproti loňsku dvojici nových témat. Jedním z...

Scott Amyx Interviewed on Jobs with the Best Growth Potential in the Next Decade

27 Career Experts and Business Leaders Reveal the Jobs with the Best Growth Potential in the Next Decade. Anyone entering the working world – or...

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