Transformational Power of God Experienced on Easter Sunday

Credit: Simple
Credit: Simple

“It is amazing to see what God can do in one’s life once you just surrender to what He has planned for you.”

– Kathleen LeSage, President of New Life Hiking Spa

Kathleen LeSage grew up in a Christian home, but during her 20’s she had married a non-Christian. He was not raised in a Christian home but would go to church with her to make her happy while they were engaged.

Life Without God

Kathleen was hoping her husband would become a stronger Christian after they were married and he assured her he was a Christian. Kathleen was very much in love, so she decided to married him. However, the marriage came to an abrupt end after seven years.

Kathleen says, “Instead of him becoming a Christian, he brought me away from a relationship with Jesus and church attendance.” Life was about career and material wealth. Also, Kathleen went through years of heartbreaking infertility treatments that tested her faith and drew her farther from God with each failed attempt.

Finding Hope in the Midst of Greatest Trials

While Kathleen was in the midst of a devastating divorce, her mom suddenly had a massive stroke in 2002. Kathleen had gone home to visit her mother in the ICU. Her father had invited her to go to Easter Sunday service. She hadn’t been to church on Easter in many years since her marriage.

Before they went to service, Kathleen and her father went to check on her mother at the hospital. As they were leaving to go to church, the doctor stopped them and they were confronted with the difficult decision to put Kathleen’s mother on life support.

Kathleen’s father decided that the best course was to keep her off life support and allow her mother to join God in Heaven. There was a sense of calmness. After that big decision, they went to church. That very morning she re-dedicated her life to Jesus Christ. She decided to trust God for every aspect of her life. Kathleen shares, “I was 31, soon to have my divorce finalized, soon to be losing my mother and was extremely overweight due to an unhealthy lifestyle and years of hormones from infertility treatments.” She surrendered and decided to follow God again and returned to her Christian roots.

Finding Peace and Purpose

Since that day, Kathleen has healed from the divorce and from the sudden loss of her mom, who was her best friend. Sometime later, God sent a wonderful Christian man to be her husband. “We were able to have two beautiful healthy kids (with no help from doctors). We own our own business and live a healthy lifestyle,” she happily says. She and her husband run wellness retreats and hiking tours in Vermont. Kathleen adds, “We are active in church, follow God’s will for our lives and have a peace that surpasses all understanding.”

By the grace of God, Kathleen has also written a book, God’s Plan for Wellness and will be released on June 14, 2018.


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