How to Empower Women Affected by Violence


“I have an unwavering, burning desire to make a change for women and girls. It’s not possible to sit by and do nothing because the consequences of doing nothing are far worse than dealing with the discomfort that comes with trying to speak up.”

Johanna Higgs, Anthropologist and Women’s Rights Activist

Johanna Higgs and Her Mission

Raised in Perth, Australia, Johanna had a life far removed from poverty, injustice, and horrors of the worlduntil she started traveling the world. Her travels to far away places across the globe were an eye-opener. Despite living in today’s age of advancement, women world over suffer serious crimes such as discrimination, violence, rape, killing, and more. An anthropologist by profession, Johanna found her true calling in fighting for women’s rights and invites you to join her.

Project Monma

Johanna leads Project Monma. The organization aims to highlight the problems of women globally. “I started Project Monma with the aim of raising awareness about these issues and calling for an end to them,” she says. Johanna has advocated for women’s rights in the Middle East, Africa, Asia, Europe, and Latin America. Notably, Project Monma has initiated life-changing campaigns worldwide. Sexual harassment, slavery, abuse, prostitution, and discrimination are among many relevant issues that the organization addresses.

FIghting Crimes Against Women

Exploring and investigating women’s issues around the world has been challenging and shocking for Johanna. “In Kurdistan and beyond, honor killings remind women that they are worthless,” says Johanna. Women in countries such as Turkey, Lebanon, and Iraq suffer human rights violations, occurring on an almost daily basis. In some places, quite horrifyingly, women live in fear for their lives.

In Mauritania, where women and children are routinely sold as slaves, officials turn a blind eye to such heinous crimes. During one of her recent visits to Congo, she was shocked to see young girls surrender to prostitution.

Through her noteworthy campaigns at Project Monma, Johanna has not only given suffering women a voice but also helped them break the shackles and lead a better life.

Finding Herself in Dangerous Situations

Johanna travels extensively to different parts of the world, some of which can be quite dangerous. She says, “I have run into some very dangerous and uncomfortable situations.” She adds, “I have been physically assaulted while trying to learn about human trafficking in Madagascar, harassed and verbally insulted while going on these travels.” Further, she has been verbally insulted and attacked online.

It’s a massive effort to find out the stories, get to the root of it, writing articles that truly bring out the story, and then finding publications to carry the story.

Despite facing all the vitriol, threats to her life, and enervating efforts, Johanna carries on. And it’s because of her never-say-die spirit to make a change that makes her persevere.  Johanna encourage people all over the world to become change agents in their communities and societies through Project Monma. Get involved today to make a difference!

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