How Do You Help Women Fight Domestic Violence and Cyberstalking?

Alexis Moore
Alexis Moore

“I am a very unconventional attorney – most are silent about the failures of victim resources and judicial systems. I am, however, very outspoken about the shortcomings and want my life to have meaning and to be a catalyst for change.”

Alexis Moore, Attorney, Author, Advocate

Alexis Moore is an extraordinary woman, and an even more extraordinary attorney. She lends justice a strong voice. Her brand of justice is Moore Justice—it gives a platform to those who cannot fight against domestic violence and cyberstalking on their own.

Alexis had a troubled childhood, and growing up she was a victim of domestic violence and later, cyberstalking as well. This contributed a great deal to her drive and commitment against these very crimes. As a result, Alexis has emerged stronger and a vociferous advocate for women’s rights.

What makes her story compelling is how she emerged from devastating circumstances to realize great success.

Troubled Childhood and Fighting Back

Alexis comes from a broken family. Her well-being scarcely mattered to the adults around her. As a child, she witnessed from close quarters the ugly battle between her parents for her custody; she was repeatedly dragged to courtrooms where her voice mattered little and judges and lawyers were indifferent. Her trust was repeatedly violated. Further, she faced serious threats to her life and financial status. Alexis battled the vicious circle of domestic abuse, stalking, and credit theft for many years. The law failed to protect her against domestic violence and cyberstalking.

Alexis has taken the reins of her life in her own hands since then. She refused to be a hapless victim of her circumstances. She aced her bar exam on the first try. Alexis says, “Many in the legal profession, including some of my law professors, didn’t think I would graduate law school, much less pass the California bar exam on my first try.” She adds “The odds were so overwhelmingly against me, but I persevered and succeeded.”

Making a Change

Alexis offers consultation services for women’s rights. She lends Moore Justice support to victims battling against stalking, domestic violence, cybercrime, and defamation. “There is no other attorney like me in the world. I literally am the only Risk Management Consultant in the world that works with victims experiencing cyber abuse or stalking online,” she says. Domestic violence sufferers often feel helpless and fearful of their abusers. However, Alexis strongly advises the victims to reach out in such situations. “Be silent no more,” says Alexis.

Alexis is also the author of Surviving a Cyberstalker, a book on how to fight back from cyber abuse and stalking. Alexis wants to lead a life with purpose, and her work is a ray of hope and immense inspiration to women across the world.

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