Fight Sexism by Empowering Women in Your Community


“Being arrested makes great headlines, but empowering one woman brings change to her family and their circle.”

– Amber Malcom, CEO of Shabby Chick Natural Products

Amber Malcom moved to a rural community three years ago, and she felt as if she had traveled back to the 1950s. People were sexist; men wouldn’t shake hands with her simply because she was a woman. Even to start a conversation, Amber had to announce she is a lawyer and only then she elicited a response from supercilious men. It was mind-boggling and unbelievable how deep was the discrimination against women. She was very frustrated and uncomfortable living this way, and she decided to challenge the status quo to give women in the community the due respect and stature.

Empowering Women in the Community

Amber started a manufacturing company to combat her community’s sexist attitude. No one in the town would hire women, so she decided to hire exclusively women. Her company only had one male employee—Amber’s husband. While providing the women meaningful employment and a steady source of income, Amber also taught them something very important. “I teach them how to manage their finances. In addition, I provide very flexible hours and a place for them to bring their children to work,” she shares. The women not only felt empowered but also enjoyed working with such flexibility.

Her company also teaches the women business and leadership skills. Training goes beyond simply getting the job done. Amber makes sure each woman can plan their future and achieve their goals. “Most women graduate from high school, marry, have babies, and that’s all. I teach them to take charge of their lives and do anything they set their minds to,” she elaborates.

Long-Term Action

Amber’s goal is to strengthen women who have never been taught anything. “Nothing has ever been expected of them and I am teaching them to demand more from themselves,” she shares. She wants to take empowerment beyond the streets. Her company strives to make an impact that not only changes gender attitudes but also enriches a woman’s family and community. “Teaching these women to empower themselves will lead to more empowered women and more change. Changing one life can last generations,” she elaborates.

Her inspirational story reveals how striving to empower the weak and the underprivileged can bring about positive change to an entire community. She single-handedly brought a massive change in her community by empowering women and enriching their lives.

About Amber Malcom

Amber is the founder and CEO of Shabby Chick Natural Products, a company that produces natural cleaning products after her own negative experiences with toxic cleaning products.

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