How to Turn Entrepreneurial Failures into Success


“The biggest piece of advice I would give to other entrepreneurs is to keep going”

– Milecia McGregor, Founder of Flipped Coding

When Milecia McGregor realized how much she disliked working in the corporate world she began to leave her comfort zone. Her first entrepreneurial business was to build websites for clients. The unusual expectations of her clients, however, convinced her never to take up client work again. That was her first failure and her first actual challenge. She began to wonder if she was fit for entrepreneurship. But the very thought of going to the office every day spurred her on to continue her entrepreneurial journey.

Picking the Wrong Market

Milecia then decided to start an online self-help business. She says, “I was still new to owning a business so I jumped into it without much of a plan. This was the biggest risk I took.” She further adds, “I always thought that if you started an online business it would just work, but after months of spending time and money with no results I realized I picked the wrong market.” It was a hard blow for Milecia because she had just assumed that the business would work and it didn’t.

The Birth of Flipped Coding

Realizing her mistake of jumping in without a proper plan, she took a break.  She still disliked her job, which confirmed that she must seek alternate avenues for career success. “I sat down and thought about what I’m good at and what others are trying to become good at. That’s how Flipped Coding was born,” Milecia reveals. She had learned coding the hard way and decided she is going to make it easier for others to learn coding.

Flipped Coding has already generated cash, and Milecia is confident she’ll soon be able to leave her day job.

Milecia’s Advice to Other Entrepreneurs

Milecia advises other entrepreneurs to keep going even if it seems difficult. It might take longer than expected to achieve success but one must keep striving. She says, “Entrepreneurs should think about what they want, make a plan for it, and continuously learn. That’s how you make your business work.”

About Milecia McGregor

Milecia McGregor is a mechanical engineer turned software engineer. She used her software skills to start many businesses, but the most success came from teaching individuals how to build their own websites with Flipped Coding. The site gets more than 5,000 views each month.

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