Scott Amyx Participates in European Commission Validation Workshop: Study on Cross-Cutting Business Models for the Internet of Things


Early this year, Scott Amyx of Amyx+ was invited to participate in the European Commission’s exploration workshop on the “Study of Cross-Cutting Business Models for IoT.” On April 24, 2017, Scott Amyx also participated in the follow up Validation Workshop.

The Validation Workshop is meant to gather experts from different Internet of Things domains in order to validate and enrich the findings described in the Interim Study Report. As a key participant, Scott Amyx had the opportunity to be one of the first to receive the results and to discuss the outcomes during the workshop. The report will contain, among others, an identification of promising areas for cross-cutting IoT activities, an analysis of global economic drivers for new IoT products and services, and an analysis of the opportunities provided through new crosscutting business models with organisational structure implications.