Why You Should Never Underestimate The Power of a Hug


A hug is probably the simplest-yet-most-powerful way to connect with anyone, be it someone we deeply love or a complete stranger. It epitomizes true give and take where both parties support one another. A warm, compassionate embrace is powerful—one that can heal, make you feel secure, transform lives, and help overcome toughest challenges.

What’s more, a hug can give us the strength to fight diseases, even life-threatening ones. Research proves hugs help alleviate stress, anxiety, and depression. Several studies suggest that hugging can help reduce blood pressure and the risk of heart disease.

At times, all it takes is one hug to transform an individual. A selfish person can change into a caring, others-focused person. A hateful person can transform into a loving and considerate friend. Amazing, isn’t it? Never underestimate the power of a hug.

We share with you incredible stories of four individuals whose lives were transformed by hugs.

Triumph Over Cancer

Last year, Trisha Trixie, author of Falling into Fabulous: A Phoenix Rising, was battling Stage 3 Colon Cancer, and she has had clostridium difficile (CDIFF), an inflammation of the colon, four times. She felt defeated, beaten down, and exhausted. In Trisha’s follow-up visits with her doctor, he showed kindness. “As he was done with the appointment, my doctor told me how nice it was to see me, hang in there, and keep my positive attitude.” Then, her doctor leaned near the table and gave Trisha a hug.

That was a very touching and emotional moment for Trisha. She recalls, “To me, that hug changed my world. One hug, one moment changed my worldview, my life view, and my health.” A small simple act of kindness from her doctor changed Trisha’s whole perspective. “Those hugs from my doctor, change my life every time for the better because when I leave, I leave with hope and faith I may not have had before,” Trisha exclaims.

Hate Hugs to Love Hugs

Joyce McKinney, Co-Director at KQ Communications, would sneak out of her home when she was young to avoid hugs from her mother. One particular day, her mother hugged her so tight that she had to ask her mother to let her go. A few hours later, her mother died suddenly of an acute asthma attack. That moment changed Joyce’s life. Joyce reveals, “I was that child who hated everything touchy-feely. I was selfish, careless, and headed down a path that was sure to end badly. However, soon after my mother’s death, I noticed a change in me.”

She started caring for others. “It was as if her spirit transferred to my body in that final hug,” Joyce says. Many years after her passing, Joyce dreamed that she received another hug from her mother and this time she gladly accepted the hug. That year, she started giving hugs to people on her own on the anniversary of her mother’s death.

Now, five years after her first hug day, Joyce rallies people across the country and in other parts of the world to spread the love with a hug. It’s called #hugs4evvie. Joyce now hugs others to makes a positive difference in people’s lives.

Strength to Fight Disease

According to Kathleen O’Keefe-Kanavos, TV/Radio Host/Producer & Nautilus award-winning author, “When we are in our darkest hour, a hug from deceased loved ones in dreams can be the light at the end of our tunnel.”

Her mother had died of colon cancer six months before Kathleen was diagnosed with aggressive breast cancer. Kathleen shares, “I had seen my mother die slowly, terribly, and I was frightened out of my mind.”

Her mom was her best friend. “After her death, and shortly before my diagnosis, while still in the depths of grief and not sure if I wanted to live, my mom appeared to me in a dream, hugged me, told me she loved me, and that I would be just fine.”

The hug reassured her that her mother was okay and gave Kathleen the strength to fight breast cancer and survive. Today, 20 years after that life-giving hug in her dream, Kathleen lives a happy and healthy life.

Healthy Touch

Dr. Michelle Robin, Founder of Your Wellness Connection, came to know about the importance of hugs after meeting her client Anna. After an appointment, Michelle hugged her client. Six weeks later, when Anna came back, Michelle hugged her again. Anna confided to Michelle that no one had hugged her since their last meeting.

“At that moment, hugs became a priority to me and something that I focused on.” So she decided to hug her clients every time they met. “Besides simply being healthy, touch [and] hugs can be healing. Hugs help raise our vibrational energy, and healing occurs when our vibrational energy is higher,” she adds.

A hug can comfort you when you’re down, put a smile on your face or make you feel more connected with others. So never miss a chance to hug or receive a hug. It might be that one secret to living healthy and happy. Spread the power of hugs.

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