How Therapy Can Help You Overcome Abuse, Trauma, and Depression


“Despite the challenges, every day I thrive and live my best life.”

– Melony Hill, Entrepreneur and Author

Melony Hill has come a long way in life. Melony’s childhood was riddled with physical and mental abuse that continued in her adult life and resulted in depression, anxiety, and other severe mental disorders. Determined not to give up, Melony pulled herself out of the rabbit hole and became an inspiration for others.

A Harrowing Childhood

Melony faced a troubled childhood growing up in a home rife with domestic violence and abuse. She was mentally and emotionally abused by her mother and physically abuse by her step-father. Then, at the tender age of seven, she witnessed her stepfather murdered. A few years later, her mother passed away. It was a long, dark chapter of Melony’s life that seemingly had no end.

Her mother’s death hardly changed anything. With each passing day, Melony’s life was getting darker and grimmer. She also had to undergo the physical and emotional trauma of rape. Before long, she found herself in prostitution and the adult entertainment industry.

A lifetime of abuses and violence took its toll. Melony was diagnosed with Dissociative Identity Disorder aka DID (multiple personalities), PTSD, Anxiety Disorder, and Depression. Melony says, “I barely managed to dress myself in matching clothes, remember what I wore from day to day, or keep track of who I slept with.”

Turning Her Life Around

What Melony endured throughout her life was enough to wilt down anyone’s spirit. However, she persevered and turned things around.

In 2009, she started therapy to deal with her disorders and depression. For seven years, Melony worked hard to get over the issues that haunted her. She says, “I recently completed seven consecutive years of intense therapy, sometimes 3 days a week.”

Therapy did wonders for Melony—the seemingly perennial dark phase of her life gave way to a brighter and promising tomorrow. Melony soon discovered the writer in her. She also became a speaker and advocate for mental health.

Proud of her achievements, she shares, “Post my therapy, I published 7 books. I was also featured in a TIME Magazine article for my advocacy.”

Melony has not only healed but is also helping others overcome adverse challenges. “I have started a mission-based business, helping other survivors heal and became a women’s coach,” she shares.

She also helps first time entrepreneurs and authors find their footing and grow professionally.

With an aim to help others deal with and overcome their struggles with multiple issues and self-esteem, Melony started Stronger Than My Struggles in 2017.

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