How to Overcome Lifelong Weight Issues

Trent Heppler

“ I dreamt of running a marathon. I dreamt of being healthy. I dreamt of deeper relationships. I knew I needed change. ”

Trent Heppler, Life Coach and Agent of Change

Being fat was part of Trent Heppler’s life and for nearly 40 years it was an aspect of his “funny persona.”  However, the “fat, funny persona” that he carefully cultivated on the surface was very removed from the fear and depression that was all too present within. With time, he realized that he was struggling with several habits, each of which was an addiction.

Committing to Change

With the approach of his 40th birthday, Trent instinctively knew that there was a lot more to life, and he was missing out on it because of the habits that he could not surmount. His dreams at that point revolved around being healthier and ultimately running a marathon. Further, he wanted deeper relationships in his life. Ultimately, this pushed Trent towards making changes and overcoming barriers that stood between him and a healthier version of himself.

Discovering Lasting Change

One of the first things that Trent did was trust in God and called upon his friends and family for support. His journey of transformative change took 10 ½ months. He worked hard to maintain a healthy diet and exercise regimen. At the end of those difficult, trying months, he emerged a clear winner – he was 138 pounds lighter. His achievement was incredible – he managed the dramatic results all by himself. “I did it all without surgery, a special diet, or a gym membership,” shares Trent.

Trent completed the FootTraffic Flat marathon which marked the beginning of a new life for him.

Trent’s success in losing weight caused him to discover a new version of himself. “During my journey, I discovered the real secret to authentic and lasting change and discovered a new me,” says Trent. Relying on the new found purpose in his life, Trent has continued to pursue his dreams. So far, he has completed two marathons and a Half Ironman.

Using his Experience to Inspire Others

Sharing his personal transformation has now become a huge part of his life. Some of the most important lessons he learned in his journey include “connecting instead of isolating and committing to daily must do’s.” He feels that these lessons can inspire others to make real, sustained changes in their lives. “Watching the transformation in others brings me immense joy,” concludes Trent. Check out Trent’s website to get started with your transformation!

How are you striving? Order Strive today to start your journey to a life of fulfillment and joy, one that holds the possibility of discovering your fullest potential