Doing Things God’s Way Can Lead to Incredible Discoveries

Credit: Jersey Metro
Credit: Jersey Metro

“No matter how difficult things seem to be, God has a plan for us and a solution. God wants us to conduct research and still maintain our moral and ethical principles as Christians.”

Dr. Ming Wang, Director, Author of From Darkness to Sight and Wang Vision 3D Cataract & LASIK Center

Dr. Ming Wang was born and raised in communist China where it was illegal to believe in God. After arriving in America to study medicine, Ming realized that it wasn’t just science that made things happen, but Christianity and faith played an equally important role.

Faith and Science Go Hand-in-Hand

As a student, Ming was conducting research on how to decrease corneal scarring after an eye injury and restore sight simultaneously. He discovered that post injury, an adult’s eye recovers slowly with a scar that may lead to blindness. A child’s eye, in contrast, heals much faster. Incredibly, a fetus heals the fastest, and it does something unbelievable: regenerate and heal without scarring.

Ming wanted to know why a fetus has this amazing ability so that he can apply what he learns to grown-ups and kids and help them recover with similar amazing results.

There, he faced a great dilemma. Ming says, “How can we understand how a fetus heals without touching the baby? Has God really created such a seemingly contradictory world, with a conflict between science and faith that never seems to resolve?”

Ming realized that God wants people to persevere, and to have deep faith in Him. He says, “God does have a solution that advances science and maintains our ethical and moral Christian principles.” Ming realized that the right pathway to truth is never going to be easy. Striving for his quest with unshakable faith soon showed Dr. Ming a way.

The Incredible Discovery

Ming worked hard round the clock believing that God would somehow open a door for him to continue the research and still allow him not to hurt the baby. He stumbled upon the amniotic membrane, a thin tissue that connects and surrounds the fetus. Amniotic membrane is not a part of a growing baby but has the same wound-healing property as the baby.

Dr. Ming Wang and his team collected amniotic membranes and transplanted them on to injured eyes. The miracle happened. Ming shares, “One week later, miracles began happening right before our eyes—instead of seeing a scarred and blind eye, we saw a clear eye with vision!”

Following this discovery, his team invented a non-surgical delivery system for the amniotic membrane—the amniotic membrane contact lens—and were granted a U..S. patent. These contact lenses have helped restore eyesight of a large number of patients.

Dr. Ming discovered that science and faith can find a way to work together if you have unwavering belief in God.

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