JD Shapiro, An Award-winning Hollywood Screenwriter

JD Shapiro

Today I am joined by JD Shapiro, an award-winning Hollywood screenwriter, director and author, best known for the film he wrote out of college, Robin Hood Men in Tights. He has sold over a dozen screenplays to almost every major studio, including Warner Brothers, Walt Disney, New Line, Miramax and Twentieth Century Fox. He served as a creative consultant on several movies that became major blockbusters. He’s had TV deals with Fox, Big Ticket and Spelling Entertainment. JD was partners with the late Stan Lee for 14 years creating new super heroes.

JD reveals the secret desires of men and how any woman can use what a man needs in order to get what she wants in his new book Think Like A Man The Only Guide You’ll Ever Need is a MANual that will show you how to operate a man in a way he will LOVE and LOVE YOU for doing. Stan Lee and his wife loved the book so much they wrote a cover review.

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