Dominate a Niche

Dominate a Niche

I recently interviewed top speakers to get their insights on what’s working for them. One of those insights was this. Those that focus on a niche will not only dominate that niche but will generate the greatest demand. Do you know what type of speakers get the most bookings? Not the ones that speak at the largest conferences with laser shows and lights. But it’s those that cover a very specific topic for a very specific target audience within a specific sector.

Oh you want someone who specializes in product innovation who’s methodologies are based on the latest cutting-edge proven science and research studies. I know the perfect guy. You have to invite Scott Amyx. And that’s why I’m launching Innovating with Scott Amyx in August. To get very specific and to own a niche.

As you think about your personal brand, don’t market yourself as a jack of all trades. Own a very narrow niche.

You market yourself as a security expert. No! It should be specific like I specialize quantum encryption. AI? You and everyone else is an expert in AI. So why not specialize in hybrid intelligence, the field that complements the strengths of human intelligence and AI.

So think about your niche and get even more specific.

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