Skydiving Without a Parachute


Welcome to “Tuesdays with Scott” segment of the Climate Change program.

Let’s say that you mustered up the courage to go skydiving. But when you arrive, you find out the regular instructor is out sick. A high schooler steps up and says I’m trained. You put on your gear and everyone boards the plane. Just before jumping out of the plane, you ask your skydiving partner who’s responsible for your life, “Where did you get trained?” As you both jump off the plane, he yells, “I watched couple of YouTube videos!” By the time that you realize this was a mistake, it’s too late.

Well, sometimes when we talk about climate change and the need to replace fossil fuels with clean energy, what we don’t realize is that we’re making big decisions on very little information. We can protest, march and demand changes but if we are not armed with detailed knowledge, it’s kind of like skydiving without a parachute. We may unknowingly be asking for something that could cause more harm, economically unsound, politically unachievable or simply naive. Unlike skydiving where you’re risking your life, with climate change wrong uninformed decisions could kill millions, including the decision to do nothing and proposals that are not well thoughtout.

And that’s why on Tuesdays with Scott, I want to spend the time to share some of the more details and the science behind climate change and clean energy solutions. If you don’t know the details behind it, how can you make good, informed decisions. Right?

As part of developing a realistic plan for large-scale clean energy, I will break down the details behind solar, wind, hydropower, geothermal, biofuels and nuclear in the coming months. I’ll try my best to make it bite size so it’s not too overwhelming. Some of the material will get technical but I want to challenge you to stay with me on this journey to becoming informed, knowledgeable global citizens who can help create a powerful and effective grassroots movement that cannot be stopped. So stay tune next week as we first start the series with solar technologies.

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