How Global Warming Will Make Your City Unrecognizable by 2080?

Climate by 2080
Source: Matt Fitzpatrick/ University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science

This is Scott Amyx with today’s Climate Change Flash Briefing.

In the next 60 years, most of the East Coast cities will start feel like the South. And the South will start to feel like Mexico. According to a study in Nature Communications, major cities’ climate will shift dramatically by 2080. The researchers calculated how close each urban region was to its closest analog with a value called sigma. A sigma less than two indicates a good match but above two means, it’s not a good match. For a sigma over four, it means that there is no accurate analog or match above the equator. In practical terms, it means that in their study, they couldn’t locate cities on the western hemisphere above the equator that would be the closest analogs for cities in 60 years. Why? Because our cities in the U.S. will be more similar in temperature and weather patterns to those in India or Africa and not North America.

The researchers comment that our grandchildren will likely not recognize the weather that we live in today.

Stay tuned next time.

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