The Unmitigated Growth of Carbon Emissions


This is Scott Amyx with today’s Climate Change Flash Briefing.

According to a study by the Global Carbon Project, a booming global market for cars helped drive CO2 emissions to an all-time high in 2018. The main factor in the near 3 percent rise has been the increased use of coal in China, driven by government efforts to boost a flagging economy.

In 2017, global emissions grew 1.6 percent. The rise in 2018 is estimated to be 2.7 percent globally. The increase would bring fossil fuel and industrial emissions to a record high of 37.1 billion tons of carbon dioxide per year. The growth in emissions is coming from nearly 5 percent increased emissions in China and more than 6 percent in India along with growth in other nations. Emissions by the U.S. grew 3.4 percent in 2018, the biggest increase in 8 years, while EU countries declined by just under 1 percent.

Stay tuned next time to find out which sector’s unabated appetite for oil is only rising.

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