Book Review of Strive by Your Workplace Magazine

Book Review of Strive by Your Workplace Magazine

Book Review: Books to Create High-Performing Teams

Book Review of Strive by Your Workplace Magazine

Workplaces can either enable employee health and happiness or leave them feeling unhappy and burnt out. These books will help you create high-performing teams that are effective and productive.

Strive: How Hoing the Things Most Uncomfortable Leads to Success
Author: Scott Amyx

Using personal and professional stories, Scott Amyx has tried to explain how people become successful by various definitions, in various fields of accomplishment, despite obstacles. He also looks to explain why some people, despite all their advantages (born in the right place and time, smart enough, connected enough, wealthy enough and so on), do not succeed at their chosen profession or calling. He calls this magical ingredient “strive.” While many observers have tried to explain success over the years, Amyx argues that they are “profoundly wrong” and that it takes striving — pushing yourself beyond your comfort zone — to have real, lasting success.

In order to get to where you want to be, you will need to experience discomfort — trying new things, meeting new people, taking risks, pushing boundaries, and even being disagreeable so that you can eventually succeed and achieve your goals. Amyx writes about individuals who, through the course of history, have exemplified how to move to discomfort and beyond. If you are looking for inspiration to move on with your difficulties, as Winston Churchill said, “When you’re going through hell, keep going.” Now that’s some discomfort!

How are you striving? Order Strive today to start your journey to a life of fulfillment and joy, one that holds the possibility of discovering your fullest potential.