Podcast Interview with Scott Amyx on Implications of Exponential Technologies

Podcast Interview with Scott Amyx on Implications of Exponential Technologies

Podcast interview with Scott Amyx on implications of exponential technologies to businesses and consumers

Part 1: ISF Podcast: A Futurist’s View on IoT and its Implications for Businesses and Consumers

The ‘Internet of Things’ is a name given to exponential technologies encompassing our physical devices, vehicles, home appliances and increasingly normal everyday objects such as water bottles, that can store and exchange data. For consumers, they are often fearful of these advances and question how secure their personal data is. To overcome this issue, consumers must self-educate about personal security, moving away from a naive perspective and become mature, responsible agents when operating these data-storing devices.

In this podcast Steve Durbin, Managing Director at the ISF talks with Scott Amyx, Managing Partner at Amyx Ventures (a Venture Capital firm) and author of the forthcoming book ‘The Human Race’. They discuss the implications of the Internet of Things (IoT) and what the future holds – not just for businesses but also consumers.

Part 2: ISF Podcast: The Global Economic Impact of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

‘Artificial Intelligence’ has materialised much faster than leading researchers and security professionals in the field expected, and the future of it remains unknown. Thus far, consumers have engaged with virtual assistants, namely Amazon’s ‘Alexa’ or Apple’s ‘Siri’. Additionally, it is proposed that businesses can reap the benefits of increased efficiency through automating the value chain but also taking the combined approach of ‘man and machine’.

In the second episode of this three part series, Steve Durbin, Managing Director at the ISF talks with Scott Amyx, Managing Partner at Amyx Ventures and author of the book ‘The Human Currency’. They discuss Artificial Intelligence (AI) and what it holds for the future of the global economy, focusing on the role that humans will play following the ‘4th Industrial Revolution’.

Part 3: ISF Podcast: Healthy Social Media and Technology Habits

Social media has transformed the way users behave online and offline. It has prevailed over the last decade and billions of people around the world engage with each other on these platforms on a daily, if not hourly basis. Whilst social media encourages individuality, the sharing of ideas and opinions online has created stereotypes and unrealistic benchmarks that people must attain to be accepted. Consequently, this has resulted in a multitude of mental health issues amongst individuals who believe they don’t fit the bill.

In the final episode in this three-part series, Steve Durbin, Managing Director at the ISF talks with Scott Amyx, Managing Partner at Amyx Ventures about healthy social media and technology use for kids, and whether they understand the ethical nature of sharing content online.

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