Scott Amyx Speaking in Prague on Smart Sustainable Cities and Sustainable Economic Development (Video)

Scott Amyx Speaking at Prague on Smart Sustainable Cities

Driving GDP Growth Through Sustainable Economic Development

In 1961, an inventor wanted to make a breakthrough in the field of sight. But what if he told you that he would use this to make it. This is something like connects or legos. You would laugh and say “It’s not possible.” Otto Wichterle thought otherwise. You see when faced with a challenge he didn’t default to “it’s not possible” but rather he’s motto was “How do we do it?” “How do we do it?”

Do you know what’s the most commonly asked engineering interview questions? What has been your most challenging engineering project? The interviewer wants to know how you overcame challenges, not how you gave up. So here’s my challenge to you. Starting right now, let’s commit to changing our lexicon from “It’s not possible” to “How do we do it?” “How do we do it?”

The problems that face our world are immense. From rising temperatures globally. Record highs in the Arctic Circle. Finland and Norway surpassing 31 celsius. Out of control wildfires, almost 6K km square in California, not including wildfires in Scandinavia. When air pollution is compounded with wildfires, it has grave health consequences. The fragile ocean ecosystem is challenged. Lack of water, arable land and natural resources are leading to violence.
When you see such images, the problem seems overwhelming. But remember, it’s about “How do we do it?”

How do create sustainable, liveable cities? After all cities consume 70% of the world’s energy…

Watch video:

Scott Amyx Speaking at Prague on Smart Sustainable Cities

Scott Amyx on Exponential Technologies Panel

The Change Agents_Scott Amyx

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