Scott Amyx Interviewed on Expert

Scott Amyx Interviewed on Expert

Airports of the Future Bring Seamless Security, Reduced Wait Times, Ample Traveler Comforts, and Convenience

Over the next 20 years, the number of air travelers is expected to double to a staggering 7.8 billion passengers. The International Air Transport Association (IATA) bases this prediction on a 3.6% average Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) noted in the release of the latest update to the association’s 20-Year Air Passenger Forecast.

How will airports of the future handle this volume while delivering a superior and seamless pre and post boarding experience to passengers? Technology, as always, is at the forefront of this story.

As airports blueprint for the future, design and technology will play a key role in mitigating pain points for ubiquitous air travelers.

Scott Amyx Interviewed on Expert Scott Amyx Interviewed on Expert 1

According to Scott Amyx, thought leader and author on exponential technologies and the Fourth Industrial Revolution, there is a massive transformation forthcoming at airports.

“Select airports will not only support international and domestic travel, but also interstellar travel. This is the mission of SpaceX to not only launch cargo, but also passengers. Jeff Bezos similarly hopes to take passengers to space via the Blue Origin fleet. Virgin Galactic commercial spaceship is “2 or 3 flights away from taking people to space,” according to Richard Branson. If it’s up to Elon Musk he wants to see SpaceX encroaching into international travel with his outrageous city-to-city travel by rocket plane, making most global cities accessible in 30 minutes or less.”

“Inside the airport, expect walls and windows to come alive. Startups that we work with are turning these large surfaces into interactive displays that respond to gesture and touch,” says Amyx. “Others are projecting virtual content into thin air. No AR or VR glasses needed. Expect incredible new experiences. A scenic forest scene and as you walk by it or touch sections, it responds — birds fly, deer scamper, and flowers move with the wind.”

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