Scott Amyx Interviewed by Plusnet on the Home of the Future

Scott Amyx Interviewed by Plusnet on the Home of the Future

Behold… The home of the future.

Scott Amyx Interviewed by Plusnet on the Home of the Future:

“The kitchen will become an integrated refrigerator, conveyer belt auto-dispenser, stove, sink and dishwasher and storage system. It means that without human intervention, it maintains an inventory of food items and reorders as needed. It will dispense the ingredients for the robotic chef arms to make meals and then the workflow proceeds to clean the dirty dishes and place the clean plates and utensils in the right location.” Scott Amyx, Venture Capitalist and Author

“Home decoration will change as more people opt to buy virtual paintings, virtual home décor and virtual paint and wallpaper options. That also goes for clothes. Clothes can change shape, texture and style instantly on demand as well as be superimposed with augmented reality to have viewers see different effects. That means your outfit may look different to a stranger than it might do to a family member.”

“The future of entertainment will be very much virtual, yet social. Virtual reality, mixed reality and direct brain-computer interface can create on-demand vacations. At any given moment, people can choose to weave in and out of multiverse or dimensions created by virtual realities. People will experience multiple parallel lives through avatars and created realities that will start to blur physical reality with created realities.”

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