Woman Jumps into Frozen Lake to Save Stranger’s Dog

Angela Lenhardt

“Saving a dog was an unforgettable time in my life. I’d do it again in a heartbeat!”

Angela Lenhardt, Author, Spiritual Coach and Feng Shui Consultant

One of the most unforgettable moment in Angela Lendhardt’s life was when she saved a stranger’s dog. The incident took place on a bitterly cold day in Colorado. Angela’s two Labrador retrievers, Duke and Dakota, loved the outdoors. They especially liked the off-leash dog park, which had two giant lakes where dogs can play, swim, and fetch.

Angela says, “On this particular day, the weather was freezing! But Duke and Dakota loved the snow and thrashing around in the frigid water, so I took them knowing they had a warm house to sleep in afterwards.”

The Incident

As they were making their last lap around the lake, Angela noticed a couple walking their dog. Suddenly, the dog owner threw his dog’s bouncy ball into the lake, which wasn’t entirely frozen. It was clearly not the wisest thing to do, and his poor dog paid the price. The bouncy ball landed in the middle of the lake, where the dog fell through into the cold water, totally surrounded by ice.

The dog’s owner panicked and started calling his dog’s name frantically, possibly thinking that this might make his dog climb out of this predicament, alone. However, Angela knew that without any help the ill-fated dog stood no chance in such frigid conditions.

She asked the gentleman to swim and get his dog, but he didn’t know how to swim. Angela recalls, “At that moment, an overwhelming burst of adrenaline rushed over me as I took off a pair of sweatpants, my heavy jacket, hat and gloves, and began to break through the ice to retrieve a stranger’s dog.”

The poor dog was frantically trying to stay afloat. Amidst the commotion, someone called the fire department.

As Angela was swimming, the cold water and weather made her physically numb but she remained focused. The dog had started to drown because of exhaustion and bone-chilling weather. However, she persevered and managed to grab the dog with her foot, push him to the surface, and grab his neck collar. Angela’s dog, Duke pitched in with the rescue and finally they pulled him back to safety.

The incident truly demonstrated Angela’s love for pets. Like a true real-life hero, she put her life at risk in harsh winter conditions to save an innocent dog. Angela says, “Needless to say, the firemen showed up a few minutes later, and I got a lecture about hypothermia, but I’d do it again in a heartbeat!”

About Angela Lenhardt

Angela is an accomplished Spiritual Coach and Feng Shui consultant. She specializes in helping her clients increase their flow of abundance, health, love, and harmony. She brings together her knowledge of Feng Shui, yoga, nutrition, Qigong, Reiki, meditation and Thai Massage to support her clients in a positive, confidential transformation.

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