Leveraging Networking to Turn a Setback into an Opportunity

Heather Monahan

“Creating the life you want instead of living the life you have is the difference between living fearlessly vs living for a paycheck. Moving into fear takes courage and you inevitably find everything you want on the other side of it.”

Heather Monahan, Founder of Boss In Heels

Heather Monahan is an inspiring business leader who turned an adversity into an opportunity for advancement. A consummate professional, Heather climbed the corporate ladder through her hard work, talent, and networking skills. However, right at the zenith of her career, she faced a sudden and drastic setbackshe was laid off. Heather, however, wasn’t going to let this take her down; she fought back and went on to scale new heights.

Power of Networking and Perseverance

Heather joined a firm at an entry-level position. Through her hard work, she eventually rose to become Chief Revenue Officer of the company. All these promotions through a period of 14 years underscored Heather’s talent and dedication to her work. Right when everything looked good, came a bolt from the blue. Heather was, quite unexpectedly, fired from her job. “To say that this was a shock was an understatement,” says Heather.

The layoff caught her totally off guard. Just a month prior to her termination, Heather had been named one of the most influential women in radio. She was riding the wave of success, headlining at various conferences while spearheading company sales and product strategy.

Everything came to a sudden halt with the layoff, but Heather persisted. She said, I began to track my days and weeks over a grid so I could see what was happening with less emotional perspective.” Heather also thought out of the box, I shared my termination on social media, which was the opposite of what most people do, and it paid major dividends.

Creativity Brings New Beginnings

Within a month of her layoff, Heather was looking ahead towards new opportunities. Her perseverance and networking skills paid off. She started working on her first book. Within a couple of months, Perry Ellis International picked Heather as their brand ambassador. Simultaneously, she was also working on the launch of her new product line. Looking back, Heather says, “I took the courage to move into fear and inevitably found everything I wanted on the other side of it.”

Heather now dedicates her life teaching these life lessons to other people. Through her website, she provides useful information to her followers. Heather also runs a giving program called City Year, which focuses on generating new opportunities for at-risk children. Heather’s new book Confidence Creator is scheduled to be released soon. The book contains Heather’s personal stories with her time-tested insights and tactics to help you succeed.

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