Scott Amyx Ranked Top 10 Speaker on the Trends Shaping the Technology Industry

Scott Amyx Ranked Top 10 Speakers on the Trends Shaping the Technology Industry
Scott Amyx Ranked Top 10 Speakers on the Trends Shaping the Technology Industry

Top 10 Speakers on the Trends Shaping the Technology Industry

What’s shaping technology? Nearly every industry on Earth has had to adapt to innovations coming from the tech industry. If changes in the tech sector eventually change our lives, what’s changing the tech sector? Here are the Top 10 Speakers on the Trends Shaping the Technology Industry.

About Scott Amyx

Scott Amyx is the author of Strive: How Doing the Things Most Uncomfortable Leads to Success, which has been endorsed by Tony Robbins, Forbes, Singularity University, Tribeca Film Festival and other influencers. He is a global thought leader and venture capitalist who has appeared on TV, TIME, Forbes, New York Times, TechCrunch, CIO, Washington Post, Wired, Forrester, G20 report, European Commission, Pew Research Center, Environmental Defense Fund and other major media.

He is an internationally recognized thought leader, venture capitalist, speaker, and author on exponential technologies and the Fourth Industrial Revolution. He received the Cloud & DevOps World Award for Most Innovative and was voted as a top 10 Global Speaker by (2016) and The Sweeney Agency (2018). Scott is an IBM IoT Futurist, Tribeca Disruptor Foundation Fellow, Singularity University/ Smart City Accelerator Mentor, and National Sloan Fellow/ Woodrow Wilson Fellow. He was also voted most influential leader in Smart Cities, IoT and exponential technologies by Inc. Magazine, Internet of Things Institute, HP Enterprise, and numerous institutions. In addition, Scott has been nominated to the World Economic Forum as a committee member for the Future of the Internet and nominated by global luminaries for TED talk.

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