How We Can Invite Jesus Into Our Hearts

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“Lead by love, and let God do the rest.”

Jill McKay, Founder of Narrow Road Fitness

Yearning for God

Jill McKay was raised as a legalistic Christian. She had the head knowledge, but no deep relationship with Jesus. Her heart yearned for it, but she didn’t know how to get there. Jill tried to read the Bible but got overwhelmed. Although she saw the church congregation on Sundays and believed in God, she still questioned Jesus. Jill knew he existed, but was he really God, the son of God, or just a prophet? Questions were aplenty.

Knowing God

Jill went through some very testing times. Her first son had severe food allergies since birth. Her second son was born six weeks early. His very high cortisol level and low potassium levels indicated a possible rare condition called Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia.

Jill’s newborn was taken to Johns Hopkins NICU (neonatal intensive care unit). For an entire week, doctors drew blood from him every four hours. The baby’s itty-bitty veins would collapse, sometimes taking up to an hour to draw blood. Further, as Jill had a c-section, she was not released to join her new baby. She reveals, “For the first time in my entire life I was alone, terrified, and completely without answers.”


It’s often when life seems bleakest and darkest, God’s light shines in your heart. Miraculously, Jill’s baby’s test results came back negative. Today, years later, the boy is the tallest in his class, super bright, and a joy in every way.

Jill says, “It dawned on me during that time just how incredible and overwhelming was God’s plan of sacrificing His one and only son for our forgiveness.” She realized at that time that no amount of “good things” one does could ever make him or her worthy; God’s grace, mercy, and love are gifts just waiting for the taking.

As the years passed, and her need to connect with others grew, Jill started teaching fitness classes at church. There, she met a number of Christians with incredible stories who went through horribly hard times in their lives and eventually found solace in a path dedicated to God’s love and warmth.

Sharing Jesus with Others

Jill says, “I was a lukewarm Christian who always found Bible-thumping Jesus followers a little crazy. Now, I am the one who shares Jesus with whoever will give me the opportunity.” She just shares what she has learned and let God work on people’s heart.

Inviting Jesus into Every Aspect of Our Lives

Jesus isn’t found only at church. Jill has invited Jesus into her personal and professional aspect of her life. Her business Narrow Road Fitness is close to Jill’s heart. She reminds us, “Today’s world is filled with more, stronger, harder, faster, when all we really need is consistency, support, and encouragement. Not just in our health journey, but in our life journey. True health begins from the inside, and a healthy relationship with Jesus.”

On this Easter Sunday, how are you striving spiritually? Do something outside of your comfort zone. Seek the truth for yourself.

To accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, simply ask him to come into your heart with a prayer of salvation:

I acknowledge that Jesus Christ is God; that He came to earth as a man in order to live the sinless life that we cannot live; that He died in our place, so that we would not have to pay the penalty we deserve. I confess my past life of sin — living for myself and not obeying God. I admit I want to trust Jesus Christ as my Savior and Lord. I ask Jesus to come into my heart, take up residence there, and begin living through me.

How are you striving? Order Strive today to start your journey to a life of fulfillment and joy, one that holds the possibility of discovering your fullest potential.