Succeeding in Life Despite Heartbreak and Trauma


“You are a fighter and you will make it.”

Dr. Arabia Mollette, Physician, Podcast Host and Writer

Dr. Arabia Mollette had a traumatic start in life. Instead of letting her circumstances define her, she decided to reach out to others. “I am the people’s doctor,” she tweeted recently, and that self description sums her up best. Her exuberant personality and disarming smile make her stand out as a doctor who really cares.

The Tragedy

How much trauma can the human heart endure? Arabia became pregnant as a teen. She was in an abusive relationship with an older man. Added to this was the tragic death of her  4 month old baby. “The day my son took his last breath, I just sat there and said, “This is it.” A piece of my soul died that day, and it’s still dead,” recounts Arabia.

All this occurred before she turned 18. She suffered extreme mental trauma and eventually turned to alcohol. The pain was unendurable. Arabia struggled through therapy and eventually dropped out of college.

Overcoming Trauma With Resilience 

She made a decision to turn her life around. This resolution was a significant turning point for her. She took charge of her life, enrolled in college and by 2006 was ready to pursue her lifelong dream of becoming a doctor. This time around, she relied on consistent therapy, made good choices and refused to succumb to the dismal circumstances of her past.

Pursuing Her Dream 

Arabia left the comfort of her home and familiar surrounding to attend medical school in Cuba on an academic scholarship. She learned Spanish and thrived in the rich cultural atmosphere of Cuba. Arabia strived to complete her medical training and became an MD.

Contributing to Society

Dr. Mollette is currently working as an ER doctor in a hospital in Brooklyn, New york. “A lot of people are ashamed of their situations, be it teen pregnancy, assault, substance abuse, whatever. I’m here to say to them that I have lived all of that, and it’s not the sum total of who you are, of your greatness as a person,” says the optimistic doctor. Her difficult past has helped her develop empathy for her patients who soon develop a connection with this upbeat doctor.

Dr. Mollette host a podcast called The Visit. It’s a platform for the dissemination of health information for millennials and gen Z. Dr. Mollette embodies the spirit of Strive. Her grit and perseverance transformed her life and so can you!

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