First Day of Spring: 10 Ways to Transform Your Life


There’s new growth. Flowers are blooming. There’s a scent of freshness in the air. The scenic beauty makes you smile. The season is changing (with the exception of New England still experiencing a stubborn long winter season.) Spring is here with a chance for you to turn over a new leaf. It’s the season of transformation. Just as every flower and tree blossoms into its most beautiful version, you too can shed old unwanted habits and metamorphosize into the best version of you.

Here’s how you can blossom with these 10 transformative life tips:

1. Make God Your Priority

Do you feel like something is missing in your life? Sometimes even success, wealth and fame can’t seem to fill an empty void in your life. Hollywood is full of big celebrities who struggle with drugs, alcohol and broken relationships. No fame or money seem to satisfy them. Their lives spiral out of control — in and out of addiction clinics or run in with the law. Nothing seems to fill their void.

Inner peace and contentment come from a belief in a higher power greater than yourself. Faith in God can help you fill that void instead of trying to stuff it with materialistic possessions or accomplishments. Make God your priority. Confide in Him. He longs for you. Look to Him for strength. He alone will satisfy your thirst. And what better time for transformative spiritual renewal than spring?

2. Break Out of Your Comfort Zone

“Does success elude you? Have you read countless articles and books about improving your life but got nowhere close to success? You’re not alone,” says Scott Amyx author of Strive: How Doing the Things Most Uncomfortable Leads to Success. Achieving success has no set formula as many self-help books proclaim. Success doesn’t automatically show up at your door because you wished it with all your might. No amount of dreaming, wishing or hoping will bring you sustainable success. Real transformative change occurs with a willingness to overhaul one’s life.

Scott challenges readers, “The only way to get out of the vicious cycle is to shock your system! Doing something a little better or even a little differently isn’t going to work! Real, transformative change only happens when we take outsized risk to step way outside our comfortable zone. It’s only when we do the things most uncomfortable that we realize the greatest gain, which didn’t seem possible before.” Change is difficult and uncomfortable, but it’s the one thing that lies between you and success.

3. Light Your Inner Flame

You may surround yourself with avenues that push you towards success and still not get closer to your goals. This is because a critical factor separates achievers from non-achievers — a burning desire to succeed. Everyone has a light inside. But what you achieve in life depends on how you choose to fuel and enlarge that flame into a roaring fire. Fuel your desire to attain success, by striving to work harder, dream bigger and take bigger risks. Only when your inner drive is a roaring fire will you become unstoppable.

4. Become a Lifelong Learner

Gandhi once said, “Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” His words hold meaning to date, as learning is an endless process. The moment you feel you have nothing left to learn, you are bound to become stagnant. Develop a sense of curiosity and wonder. Open your mind to new experiences, life, love, and learning, and see the difference in yourself.

5. Become Your Own Advocate 

Who are you? Do you identify yourself by your profession, title or salary? So what happens if you move from one job to another, does your self-worth fluctuate with your job or loss of a job? Well, it shouldn’t. Your value is more than your title, the company that you work at or your net worth.

In our lifetime, most will have seven or more jobs. As traditional labor markets make way to freelance gigs and variable labor, your job, title and company will come and go. What will stay is your personal brand. Start building a name for yourself. Become a thought leader in your niche area and then create a content, social media and influencer platform around it. You are the product so begin to invest in your personal brand.

6. Break the Status Quo

If success eludes you, it’s likely that you’re stuck in your habits. Start living your life differently. Break out of your habits. It’s not good enough to do the daily madness over and over again and find that you don’t have any time to do the things that move you closer to real success. Don’t let your life pass you by. Break the status quo.

7. View Challenges as Opportunities

People say they want to create a better life for themselves, but all too often they give up at the first sign of trouble. The road to success has obstacles and challenges. But it’s in the process of overcoming those obstacles that you become the kind of person who is capable of creating the kind of life you want.

When you cultivate perseverance and welcome challenges as opportunities to grow and expand your learning – as oppose to excuses to give up and stay exactly where you are, you will be able to achieve more out of life. And you will motivate others to have the confidence and perseverance to overcome their own obstacles as well.

Sometimes when you get fired or worse, it’s an opportunity to change your perspective. Use your jarring life experiences, including the pains, to shape your trajectory. You don’t have to play the victim. You can choose to architect your own life. Take courage.

8. Be Selfless

The world that we know is often made up of tic-for-tac transactions. You scratch my back and I’ll scratch your. But the secret to those who are outrageously successful are the ones that understand that helping others come without strings. Overtime, the people that you help become your loyal supporters. Whatever you do in your life, they will be there to rally behind you. The goodwill that you built overtime will pay dividends. Even more importantly, it makes you a better person — someone who sees beyond themselves. That’s very attractive. You become attractive. You will become a people magnet because you are a light in their lives.

9. Faith Requires Action and Patience

How long did Abraham and Sarah wait for the arrival of their promised heir, Isaac? God first revealed to Abraham that he would be the father of many nations when he called him to leave his country and go to the land God would show him. At age 100, Abraham and Sarah finally had their son. That’s a total of twenty-five years from the time of God’s promise. History is full of great figures that had to wait. The difference between the average and the outrageously successful people is that they understand the invisible factor of time. They are patient. No one said it’s easy. But being patient doesn’t mean passivity. Successful people are actively executing and chipping away daily to make their goals come true. Faith requires action.

10. Connect to God Through Prayer

Make it a point to pray daily. Where is your source of energy? Life is a long journey. You need daily source of strength and that comes from God. He sustains you. He gives you hope. Incorporating daily prayer into your life will help you become more connected to God and focused on His will for your life. Prayer allows you to release all your concerns and burdens, freeing you from carrying that weight of heaviness. Prayer centers you. It’s a precious one-on-one time with God. He wants to hear from you and be in communion with you.

Here’s a final tip: Don’t just read this list, put it into action. That will separate you from the rest of the pack. You can choose to live a life to the fullest. It’s within your control.

How are you striving? Order Strive today to start your journey to a life of fulfillment and joy, one that holds the possibility of discovering your fullest potential.