Stay Sober This St. Patrick’s Day With These 10 Tips


St. Patrick’s Day is around the corner and you want to stay sober. Your friends and family will thank you for this gift of sobriety! Here are 10 ways to tackle the challenge with staying sober.

1. Don’t Do It Alone

You may think you can stay sober all by yourself, but that is usually not the case. Identify a trusted friend or family member to come alongside you to keep you accountable. A gentle nudge or reminder will keep you on track with your goals. Don’t feel embarrassed to voice your concerns; a good friend will always have your best interest at heart.

2. Know Your Triggers

Certain places or situations are linked to repetitive behavior. These serve as triggers and may push your over the edge. Be cautious around possible triggers that present a challenge. When drinks are being poured and passed around, walk away, take a bathroom break, get some fresh air, call or text your friend, or do whatever it takes to remove yourself from the temptation. Skip the bars this St. Patrick’s Day and find something fun to do or go to a sober celebration instead.

3. Distract Yourself

Indulge in your hobbies that take your mind away from drinking. This could involve sports, movies or other recreation that diverts your mind. After a while, you will find yourself naturally gravitating to these activities instead of searching for a drink whenever you are bored or have time on your hands.

4. Reach Out to Others Who Need Help

Helping another person who needs it will help you stay focused on your goals. Concern for another’s actions automatically strengthens your resolve to stay sober. As iron sharpens iron, one man sharpens the resolve of another. This mutual support and encouragement will result in greater success. Need more inspiration? Help out at a local soup kitchen or homeless shelter or volunteer to mentor youths. Helping others also takes the focus away from your problems and allows you to channel your energy towards helping others.

5. Enjoy Every Sober Moment

You have probably experienced the highs of drinking, and also the terrible lows that follow. Remember the pain you caused yourself and others whenever you are tempted to reach out for a drink. Hang onto the bad memories so that you can create good memories from this day on. Enjoy being free from the shackles of alcohol that holds you back from living a meaningful and productive life.

6. Does Staying Sober mean Being Bored?

You can be sober and still enjoy yourself. When you drink, you begin to feel it’s the only way you can truly relax. However, there are many other ways of relaxing and yet having a good time. Try taking up a new hobby like writing, art, dancing, or hiking. Try a new sport or learn a new language. Break the mental connection between drinking and corresponding enjoyment, and see the difference.

7.  Join a Group

An Alcoholics Anonymous or an online support group not only keep you focused on recovery, it also helps develop relationships. These friendships usually last a lifetime and help keep you on track with your goals.

8. Exercise has Mind-Body Benefits

Exercising in any form helps you release stress and diverts your mind when you are trying to stay away from drinking. Run a mile or swim a lap, whatever you decide to do, it will help you freshen your mind and strengthen your body.

9. Meditate Away your Doubts

When temptation calls, center yourself and try mindfulness meditation. It is essentially a way to focus on the present, and ensuring your mind is not constantly dragged into harmful behaviors of the past. Mindfulness meditation helps to break detrimental drinking patterns. Being aware that addiction is a disease and then remembering your choice to stay sober is an important part of staying the course.

10. One Step at a Time

Contemplating a lifetime of sobriety can be overwhelming. Aim for small goals, such as staying sober just for St. Patrick’s Day, and then set a new goal the next day. Achievable one-day goals help more in the long run then ambitious year-long goals that are almost impossible to adhere to.

Your journey of sobriety takes courage, resolve, and perseverance. Stay sober and happy this St Patrick’s Day!

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